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Adolescent Mental Health

Health and Information - Mental health is influenced by circumstances in life that leave a great effect on one's personality and behavior. These events can be in the form of domestic violence, child abuse, or severe stress for a long time.
If mental health is disturbed, mental disorders or mental illness appear. Mental disorders can change the way a person handles stress, relates to others, makes choices, and triggers the desire to hurt himself.

Some types of mental disorders that are often found, including depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and psychosis. Some mental disorders only occur in certain types of sufferers, such as postpartum depression only attacks the mother after giving birth.

Mental disorders or mental illness b begins with a number of symptoms below, including:

  • Shout alone or fight with family and friends.
  • Delusions, paranoia, or hallucinations.
  • Loss of ability to concentrate.
  • Fear, worry, or guilt that always haunts him.
  • Inability to cope with daily stress or problems.
  • Excessive anger and prone to violence.
  • Having bad experiences and memories that can't be forgotten.
  • Having thoughts to hurt yourself or others.
  • Withdraw from people and daily activities.
  • Hear the voice or believe something that is not necessarily true.
  • Experiencing pain that can not be explained.
  • Experiencing drastic mood swings that cause problems in relationships with others.
  • Feeling confused, forgetful, angry, offended, anxious, upset, worried, and afraid of the unusual.
  • Feeling sad, meaningless, helpless, hopeless, or hopeless.
  • Smoking, drinking more alcohol than usual, or even using illegal drugs
  • Significant changes in eating habits, such as eating too much or too little.
  • Significant fatigue, decreased energy, or having trouble sleeping.
  • Cannot do daily activities such as caring for children or going to school or work.
  • Can not understand the situation and people.
Some common causes of mental disorders, including:
  • Head injury.
  • Genetic factors or a family history of mental disorders.
  • Violence in the family or other harassment.
  • Child abuse or a history of childhood abuse.
  • Having abnormalities in brain chemicals or disorders of the brain.
  • Have had discrimination and stigma.
  • Experienced the loss or death of someone who is very close to him.
  • Experiencing social losses, such as poverty or debt problems.
  • Take care of family members or friends who are seriously ill.
  • Not working, losing a job, or homeless.
  • The influence of toxic substances, alcohol, or drugs that can damage the brain.
  • Severe stress suffered for a long time.
  • Feeling lonely or socially isolated.
  • Has a very bad environment.
  • Experiencing significant trauma, such as military battles, serious accidents, or crimes and experienced.
Factors at risk of mental disorders include:
  • Women have a high risk of depression and anxiety, while men have a risk of substance dependence and antisocial.
  • Women after giving birth.
  • Having problems in childhood or lifestyle problems.
  • Having a profession that triggers stress, such as doctors and entrepreneurs.
  • Have a family member or family history of mental disorders.
  • Having a history of births with abnormalities in the brain.
  • Having the origin of mental illness before.
  • Having a failure in life, such as school or work life.
  • Abusing alcohol or illegal drugs.
Mental Health Diagnosis

The psychiatrist will diagnose mental disorders by starting a medical interview and a complete psychiatric interview about the patient's history and family history of the disease. Then, continue with a thorough physical examination to eliminate the possibility of other diseases.

If needed, the doctor will request additional tests, such as thyroid function tests, alcohol screening and drugs, and CT scans to detect abnormalities in the sufferer's brain. If the possibility of other diseases have been eliminated, the doctor will provide medication and a therapeutic plan to help manage the sufferer's emotions.

Some efforts that can be done to prevent mental disorders, are:
  • Perform physical activity and remain physically active.
  • Help others sincerely.
  • Maintain positive thoughts.
  • Having the ability to overcome problems.
  • Seek professional help if needed.
  • Maintaining good relations with others.
  • Maintain adequate sleep and rest.
Some treatment options that doctors will make in dealing with mental disorders, including:

1. Psychotherapy
2. Provision of medicines
3. Inpatient care
4. Support groups
5. Brain stimulation
6. Treatment of abuse of hazardous substances
7. Develop an activity plan for yourself

If yourself or a relative shows the symptoms mentioned above continuously and does not improve, you should immediately consult a psychiatrist or psychiatrist to get further examination and treatment.


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