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Panic Attack: Psychological Sensation of a Heart Attack

Health and Information - The heart beats fast, sweat is pouring, hands are trembling, words are stuck in the throat, all or part of the body feels numb and it is difficult to breathe until it comes to mind that this is the end of life. Maybe that's the way when someone experiences panic attacks. People who experience panic attacks feel the world spinning but their bodies seem to freeze unable to move. Feelings like "trapped" in one moment, sounds that sound "dangerous", and lights that are too bright as if making the heart beat worse. Maybe your friends, relatives or even you are familiar with the picture, maybe you / they have a panic attack. Panic attack or what we call panic attack is a condition in which a person feels fear suddenly (spontaneously) and experiences strong physical sensations, such as rapid heart palpitations, sweating, trembling, dizziness, fear of losing control, paresthesia, derealization or depersonalization and others. . Paresthesia is a

how do i control panic attacks

Health and Information - Panic attacks are no longer something we can underestimate. Panic attacks are more than just panic attacks. If we ignore it, it will be fatal. For example, we will lose control of ourselves or feel the sensations released from ourselves (derealization and depersonalization). Therefore, we need to learn the things needed to overcome panic attacks by training ourselves to recognize, handle, and manage panic attacks themselves. That way, we will be better equipped to deal with panic attacks that can come at any time without being predictable. The following are some steps to help deal with and manage panic attacks: 1. Get to know Deeper Panic Attack When a panic attack is usually our body sends a signal of "danger" so we feel scared. In this state, our body automatically responds with several physical and psychological sensations. Many people experience symptoms of panic attacks, but think they have a heart attack. So, it is important to recognize the sy

Antisocial Behavior of Children

Health and information - It is normal for children to show positive and negative social behavior as they get older and develop. That is the form of expression that can be shown by children. Also keep in mind that every child is unique, ma'am. Some children lie, some rebel, some withdraw from the environment and some like to argue with parents. Not only that, some children can also exhibit high levels of antisocial behavior. Showing hostility and disobedience, stealing, destroying goods, often verbally and physically abusive. If this type of behavior occurs frequently in children, it may be a sign of antisocial behavior. Antisocial behavior can be managed, but it can cause more severe problems in adulthood if it is not treated as early as possible. What is Antisocial Disorder? Antisocial personality disorders, sometimes called sociopaths or sociopaths, are mental disorders in which the child consistently disrespects the feelings of right and wrong and ignores the rights and feeling

Women and Alcohol Abuse

Health and Information - As we know, alcohol does have a bad influence on humans, ranging from physical damage, or effects on the human brain. Therefore consuming alcohol is not recommended for anyone, especially in women. Especially for women if consuming too much alcohol or alcohol addiction can affect the uterine organs. If consuming too much alcohol can interfere with pregnancy, or for those who are pregnant can abort the womb. Alcohol can have an unconscious effect on people who consume it. So be careful if there are people who are under the influence of alcohol and then drive a vehicle, it is very dangerous for him and for other road users. Alcohol can also affect the mental health that consumes it, especially for women. Because women are easily carried away so it is very dangerous for their mental health if a woman likes to consume alcohol. For that we need to know our family members, especially women, if there are people who like to consume alcohol we are more aware of it by v

Save Your Family From the Danger of Anorexia

Health and Information - Ideal body weight and shape is everyone's dream. Well? But if you feel your body is too heavy and intend to diet, you must be careful you know. Stop as soon as you reach your targeted weight, or if you start experiencing health problems. Because, who knows you suffer from anorexia. Then what is anorexia? Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a complex condition that includes psychological, social and physical effects. That is a deviation from one's mindset, where someone will feel worried about their weight. This condition is more often experienced by women, but does not rule out the possibility of afflicting men. What are the symptoms? At the beginning of anorexia, sufferers will experience a pretty drastic weight loss. When it comes to fairly serious cases, sufferers do not experience menstruation and do not have the ability to consume food. In addition, another symptom that often occurs is vomiting the contents of food again. Effect caused The effects of this c

Adolescent Mental Health

Health and Information - Mental health is influenced by circumstances in life that leave a great effect on one's personality and behavior. These events can be in the form of domestic violence, child abuse, or severe stress for a long time. If mental health is disturbed, mental disorders or mental illness appear. Mental disorders can change the way a person handles stress, relates to others, makes choices, and triggers the desire to hurt himself. Some types of mental disorders that are often found, including depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and psychosis. Some mental disorders only occur in certain types of sufferers, such as postpartum depression only attacks the mother after giving birth. Mental disorders or mental illness b begins with a number of symptoms below, including: Shout alone or fight with family and friends. Delusions, paranoia, or hallucinations. Loss of ability to concentrate. Fear, worry, or

how are mood disorders cured

Health and Information - Mood disorders are mental disorders that make a person experience a drastic change in mood. For example, from feeling very happy to feeling very down, or it can also be the opposite of feeling very down to feeling very happy. And it happens so quickly to someone. This condition is not something that can be considered trivial, because it can interfere with daily activities, emotional stability, and relationships with those around him. Then whether the mood disorder can be cured? Following the review. People with mood disorders can recover Despite having to experience a long time, people with mood disorders can be cured of the situation. To achieve this recovery requires cooperation between the person, the family, and the health worker who is handling it. Here are some things that people with mood disorders can do to get better: 1. Taking medicine There are several types of drugs to overcome these mood disorders, including mood stabilizers, anticonvulsants, anti