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Showing posts with the label health information

Reasons for Enoki Mushrooms Must Be Withdrawn from Distribution

Health and Information  - Enoki mushroom has recently become the talk of the world community, it is because of some countries there are already exposed to bacteria carried by the fungus. There are several reasons why enoki mushroom must be withdrawn from circulation: 1. Suspected of being contaminated with Listeria Monocytogenes bacteria The fungus imported from South Korea (South Korea) was found to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes bacteria and can cause listeriosis. 2. There is a Warning from INFOSAN The withdrawal and destruction was carried out based on warnings from the International Food Safety Authority Network (INFOSAN) which is a network of international food safety authorities under FAO / WHO through the Indonesia Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (INRASFF) number IN.DS.2020.09.02 on April 15, 2020. 3. There are Extraordinary Events in the United States to Australia There was an Extraordinary Event in March-April 2020 in the United States, Canada and Australia,

Enoki Mushroom Called Trigger Listeria Outbreak, This Explained

Health and Information -   Enoki mushrooms are a worldwide concern because several countries report their links to the listeria outbreak. CNN reports that in the United States (US) there have been four people who died and 31 people were treated for enoki mushrooms imported from a South Korean company. The South Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Supervision (MDFS) on March 18, 2020 confirmed that there were indeed traces of the Listeria monocytogenes bacteria in enoki mushroom products from the two companies. What is enoki mushroom? Adapted from the Botany Department of Wisconsin-Madison University, enoki mushrooms or Flammulina velutipes commonly grow on logs from dead trees. Enoki mushrooms grow in cold temperatures, and are sometimes also dubbed as 'winter mushrooms'. Enoki mushrooms have a long, thin, white form which is commonly consumed in East Asia. The study, published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2016 states that chemical compounds contained in enoki mushr

adult suicide

Health and Information - Recognize the Symptoms of People Potential for Suicide. Suicide cases lately occur in many communities influenced by various factors. Even suicides do not only occur in adulthood but start from children, to the elderly. To prevent that from happening, the public must be sensitive to the characteristics of people who intend to end their lives. For people who are depressed its characteristics are, the person concerned seems to constantly feel tired, have no passion, and are alive. Depressed people tend to withdraw from the environment or rarely socialize, despair, depressed, and easily offended by what people say or what people do. But sometimes people around the environment are not aware of the appearance or sign, so people assume that those who are experiencing depression seem fine or mediocre. From some cases there are also cases where there are signs but the environment is insensitive, unresponsive and assumes that it is normal, then, depressed people are ot

10 Top Health Tips

Health and Information - In the midst of a pandemic season like now maintaining health is very much required by everyone. Especially for those who deal directly with other people, such as office employees, factory workers, laborers, food vendors, and others. Therefore we need various tips to maintain the health of our bodies in the middle of the current pandemic season. For example we must be diligent in exercising every day, eating green and fresh vegetables, and others. Here are 10 health tips in the middle of the current pandemic season: 1. Consuming Green Vegetables By consuming green vegetables, there will be a lot of nutrients that can be absorbed by our body, that's because green vegetables contain lots of vitamins and nutrients needed by our body. So that the body will be healthier and not easily attacked by diseases or viruses. 2. Taking Vitamin D By consuming vitamin D, our bodies will be increasingly immune to viruses and diseases. Some foods that contain vitamin D such

activities for mentally ill adults

Health and Information - Mental disorders or mental disorders are diseases that affect emotions, thought patterns, and behavior of sufferers. As with physical illness, mental illness also has a cure. There are many things that affect the cause of the mental disorder, but there are also various activities that can reduce and even cure the mental disorder. But before I discuss any activities that can reduce mental illness, it is necessary to know a few examples of symptoms of mental disorders, the following reviews : - Understanding or delusion, is believing something that is not real or not in accordance with actual facts. Usually because too much imagined something. - Hallucinations, are sensations when someone sees, hears, or feels something that is not real or does not happen to him. - Changing moods in certain periods. - Feelings of sadness that last for weeks, even months. - Feelings of anxiety and fear are excessive and continuous, to disrupt daily activities. - Eating disorders,

Mask - The first protection of the body

Health and Information - Mouth and nose protective masks, nowadays are a basic necessity for all inhabitants of this earth. That's all because to prevent the transmission of the corona virus that is increasingly making everyone panic. Then how protective masks can work optimally, certainly using a mask that has been licensed from the health department in the region. Then what if we use a makeshift protective mask? All have their own risks, if we use a makeshift mask then the risk of viruses to enter is also greater. Vice versa, if we use a mask that is better licensed from the local health department, the risk of virus entry is also smaller. It all depends on your choice, either a modest protective mask or a licensed protective mask. Then whether by using a nose and mouth protective mask, we are safe from exposure to the corona virus? The answer is definitely no, a protective mask is only to reduce the transmission of the corona virus. Whether the problem is safe or not from expos

acute stress disorder

Health and Information -  Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) or acute stress disorder is a mental disorder that is triggered by traumatic events that have been confronted, experienced or witnessed by someone. An acute stress reaction (also called acute stress disease, psychological shock, mental shock, or in short shock) is a psychological condition that occurs when responding to a traumatic or frightening event. This condition is not related to unrelated circualtori shock condition, or the concept of shock value. Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a mental disorder that is triggered by flashback memories after experiencing or witnessing a horrible or traumatic event. Symptoms of acute stress and PTSD both cause negative emotional reactions. However, PTSD can cause a person to experience panic attacks and anxiety attacks so as to remember traumatic events. The point is the condition where someone who has experienced things that are not desired by him and the incident happened to him,

addiction and drugs

Health and Information - Drug addiction is a condition where a person cannot control drug use and wants drug use even if it can cause danger. Drug addiction results in a strong desire to always consume drugs at any time. Therefore we must as much as possible to avoid drug addiction. Maybe there have been many experts discussing this, but it would be nice to remind each other about the dangers of drug addiction. Because if you have an addiction can be bad for our health. The characteristics of physical drug users can be recognized if they experience signs such as reduced awareness, difficulty breathing, experiencing physical and psychological disorders, and convulsions due to overdose. The sooner help is given, the easier it is to cure the addiction. Here are 4 steps to overcome drug addiction, namely : 1. Examination The examination stage is carried out not only by the doctor but also by the therapist. Examination aims to determine the extent of addiction experienced and are there any

How to maintain a healthy body when a pandemic?

Health and Information - The corona virus pandemic indeed decreases the number of patients exposed, but that does not mean we are free as before before the virus attacks. It would be nice for us to remain vigilant and remain cautious when meeting strangers, or we travel to public places. Then what are the steps that must be taken to maintain the health of our bodies in the middle of this pandemic season, here are some tips : 1. Be diligent in exercising It is true, with our diligent exercise makes our immune system increase, making it more immune from various virus attacks, including the corona virus. To be able to exercise regularly requires extraordinary enthusiasm to do it, especially for people who are busy working everyday. At least we walk for 15 minutes is enough to count for exercise. Even more so if you spend 30 minutes a day exercising, that's more than enough to count on exercising every day. 2. Eat Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Eating fresh fruits and vegetables makes ou

9 Negative Impact For The Body If Lazy Sports

Health and Information - Having a healthy and strong body is indeed the desire of every human being, both male and female. The reason is a healthy body will help you carry out activities to the maximum. One way to get a healthy body is to exercise diligently. If you are among those who are lazy to exercise, let's get into the habit to exercise and start living healthy. Then what will be the negative impact if you do not get used to doing sports every day? This is the review 1. Resulting in Premature Death Premature cases are evident not only in cases of babies born prematurely, but also in cases of parental death. Based on the results of the study mentioned that 1 in 10 cases of premature death (death faster than usual age, due to old conditions) that exist throughout the world is caused due to lack of sports activity. This has been through a research process that was covered in a 2012 Lancet medical journal. 2. Easy to get Depressed Through the results of research that has been r

10 Sleep Disorders Harmful and spooky

Source: Sleep is a necessity for humans, while sometimes hated by the hard-moving. Important and earthly, human sleep is still mysterious, capturing researchers with puzzles. And when affected by physical or psychological disorders as well as aspects of human life, sleep is often uneasy, brings disturbances and sometimes, disasters. In this list, we explore the most shocking facts about sleep and learn what happens when sleep goes wrong dramatically. Here are 10 lists of sleep disorders that we find scary: 1. Nocturia Bedwetting is a commonly known affliction, but other disorders involving liquid waste may interfere with sleep even though it generally does not produce a wet bed. Nocturia, or Nocturnal Polyuria, is also said to force sufferers to wake up from their sleep up to six times a night to urinate before trying to rest for a moment between episodes. After being thought wrongly as a result of bladder fullness, Nocturia is actually often associated with